About the Journal

About the Journal

Endoscopy is the premier journal for information on the latest technologies and international developments in gastrointestinal endoscopy. Under the expert direction of an international editorial board, this journal presents high-quality content that addresses the needs of endoscopists, surgeons, clinicians, and researchers across the globe.
Publishing 12 issues each year, Endoscopy features top-quality review articles, original contributions, prospective studies, valuable surveys of diagnostic and therapeutic advances, and in-depth coverage of the most important national and international meetings. Articles are frequently supplemented with online video content.
All articles published in Endoscopy undergo rigorous peer review. We offer online manuscript submission and articles are available online within hours of acceptance.

Given the growing awareness of the environmental impact of endoscopic procedures, Endoscopy has decided to award a “green stamp” to manuscripts that address this issue, for more info see here.

Impact Factor 2023: 11.5!

Please submit your manuscripts electronically to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/endoscopy.

For further information see the Instructions for Authors.

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Official organ of ESGE
Journal Impact Factor: 11.5

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