Instructions Forms

Instructions and Forms

Instructions for Authors

View or download the Instructions for Authors here:



Instructions for E-Videos 

View or download the Instructions for Authors of E-Videos here:


Download the slide template to prepare the video here:



For examples of E-Videos see here:

​​​​​​​ Snare-tip soft coagulation to treat esophageal stent epithelial hyperplasia

​​​​​​​ Endoscopic submucosal dissection of a quasi-circumferential lesion of the ileo-cecal valve by using a novel adjustable traction device

​​​​​​​Endoscopic submucosal dissection of an atypical rectal submucosal lesion: a rare case of a large digestive angiodyplasia of exclusive submucosal presentation


Reviewer Guidelines

View or download the Reviewer Guidelines here:



Endnote Style File 

To view or download the Endnote Style File for Endoscopy please click here.

Declarations of consent

To view or download the declarations of consent for patients, models and portraits please click here.

Aside - Journal Content

Official organ of ESGE
Journal Impact Factor: 11.5

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In this issue

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