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With the submission of the manuscript to Endoscopy you as the author confirm that all research involving intervention in human subjects or animals has received the approval of the institutional ethics commitee. If the institution has no formal ethics commitee, you confirm that the terms of the latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki for Medical Research involving Human Subjects have been adhered, and that experiments involving animals adhered to ethical standards.

Product Liability

Product liability laws place a heavy responsibility on you as the author of a scientific publication. This is especially the case when you report on therapeutic modalities and/or drug doses. Thus, please check these details in your manuscript very carefully. Depending on the degree of the theoretically possible dangers, please ask an experienced colleague or co-worker to also check on these details. During the editorial processing of your manuscript by the publisher it will be proof-read several times and, for example, details of doses carefully checked; however, only you as the author have the necessary specialist knowledge to assess the appropriateness of these details. The responsibility for their correctness lies exclusively with you as the author. Together with our authors we want to reduce the risk of possible injury to patients as well of damage claims and liability proceedings. For this we depend on your cooperation.

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Official organ of ESGE
Journal Impact Factor: 11.5

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