Most Innovative Paper Award

Endoscopy Most Innovative Paper Award

To mark and honor the many outstanding and groundbreaking contributions and their authors, Thieme has decided to award a prize to the most innovative paper of the year published in Endoscopy. The award comes with a prize money of € 1,500 and is presented during the ESGE Days in the following year. Though intended as an annual prize, it paused for a couple of years due to the pandemic. As of 2023 though, the Most Innovative Paper is back on track!

All papers published in the section “Innovations and Brief Communications” are automatically entered into the competition. The Editor-in-Chief of Endoscopy, together with the Co-Editors-in-Chief and the Co-Editors, form the jury and choose the winner. The decision of the jury is based on scientific rigor and the interest the paper has generated in the scientific community. Hence, awarded papers are typically characterized by innovation and vision.


Most Innovative Paper Award Winners




Louis-Jean Masgnaux, Jean Grimaldi, Jérôme Rivory, Thierry Ponchon, Clara Yzet, Timothée Wallenhorst, Alexandru Lupu, Pierre Lafeuille, Romain Legros, Florian Rostain, Jérémie Jacques, Mathieu Pioche

Endoscopic submucosal dissection assisted by adaptive traction: results of the first 54 procedures

Endoscopy 2024; 56: 205-211

Click here to read the paper.


Previous Years

Leon M. G. Moons, Barbara A. J. Bastiaansen, Milan C. Richir, Wouter L. Hazen, Jurriaan Tuynman, Sjoerd G. Elias, Ruud W M. Schrauwen, Frank P. Vleggaar, Evelien Dekker, Philip Bos, Arantza Fariña Sarasqueta, Miangela Lacle, Roel Hompes, Paul Didden

Endoscopic intermuscular dissection for deep submucosal invasive cancer in the rectum: a new endoscopic approach

Endoscopy 2022; 54: 993-998
Click here to read the paper.


​​​​​​​Haruhiro Inoue, Akiko Ueno, Yuto Shimamura, Anastassios Manolakis, Ashish Sharma, Shin Kono, Masayuki Nishimoto, Kazuya Sumi, Haruo Ikeda, Kenichi Goda, Manabu Onimaru, Noriko Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Itoh

Peroral endoscopic myotomy and fundoplication: a novel NOTES procedure

Endoscopy 2019; 51: 161-164

Click here to read the paper.


Torsten Beyna, Markus Schneider, David Pullmann, Christian Gerges, Jennis Kandler, Horst Neuhaus

Motorized spiral colonoscopy: a first single-center feasibility trial

Endoscopy 2018; 50: 518-523

Click here to read the paper.


Philipp-Alexander Neumann, Rudolf Mennigen, Daniel Palmes, Norbert Senninger, Thorsten Vowinkel, Mike G. Laukoetter

Pre-emptive endoscopic vacuum therapy for treatment of anastomotic ischemia after esophageal resections

Endoscopy 2017; 49: 498-503

Click here to read the paper.


Arthur Schmidt, Markus Bauder, Bettina Riecken, Daniel von Renteln, Helmut Muehleisen, Karel Caca

Endoscopic full-thickness resection of gastric subepithelial tumors: a single-center series

Endoscopy 2015; 47: 154-158

Click here to read the paper.


Endoscopy Most Innovative Paper Award Terms and Conditions

  • One award will be made annually.

  • The winning paper is chosen from all “Innovation and Brief Communications” articles published in the respective calendar year.

  • Winners are chosen by the Editors based on scientific quality and on the interest the paper has generated in the scientific community.

  • The decision of the Editors is final.

  • The corresponding author (alternatively, any co-author designated by the senior author) of the winning articles will receive a check for € 1,500 and the certificates during the ESGE Days.

  • Winning articles are given “free access” status.

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